Fruit of the groomer - Maracuja Pack

Fruit of the groomer - Maracuja Pack

Regular price€43,50
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This shampoo is best for long coated breeds which would includes all continuously growing coats. Even if these breeds are clipped short, they are still genetically a long coated breed. This includes breeds such as Poodles, Bichons, Shih Tzus, Yorkies, Kerry Blue Terriers, Bedlingtons, etc.

How to Use: We recommend this product be used at a 3:1 dilution. This means 3 parts water to 1 part product. 

About this Product: Passion Fruit with proteins. Highly reinvigorating. Gentle enough to use for frequent washing. Formulated for the long coat.



This conditioner is best for long coated breeds which would includes all continuously growing coats. Even if these breeds are clipped short, they are still genetically a long coated breed. This includes breeds such as Poodles, Bichons, Shih Tzus, Yorkies, Kerry Blue Terriers, Bedlingtons, etc.

How to Use: We recommend this product be used at a 3:1 dilution. This means 3 parts water to 1 part product.

About this Product: Passion Fruit with proteins and vitamin B6, formulated for the long coats. Gentle enough to use frequently, gives nourishment to the hair and leaves it silky and pleasantly scented.


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